Thursday, July 27, 2017

The Journey Begins

Three Crows in a Tree
The Picture
The picture on the left doesn't say a whole lot about anything.  It doesn't show the time of day, where it was taken, or why.  I'm not even sure I remember taking the picture...but I know I must have since it was on my phone, a phone no one else touches; (a phone that has no filters, mind you).  I know exactly where it is, and  most likely what I was doing when I took it.  

I live in a townhouse with pets, so, as these things go, I must walk my dog several times a day.  There is a rather sizeable tree at the end of my building that often gives spectacular views of the you can see.  

I'm not sure if I took this picture because of the birds, or the sky, or something any case, it's still beautiful. 

Why This Picture? I'm not sure why I chose this picture to use as my first post.  I keep going back to this one for some reason.  Like me, it has many aspects that are beautiful...the birds, the sky, the colors, the dark and light...maybe all of them...or maybe because I don't even know why I took it in the first place.

The Lesson is in the Learning.  My daily struggles as of late have been with finding ways to flex my creative muscles, so to speak.  The only thing I have are my photos...and I can write.  So, here I sit, letting my thoughts go here.  However, I'm still left with something left unsaid, left undone...something I cannot put my finger on.  I must continue on this path I've started, lest I be left alone in the dark forever.  I'm sure that's a quote I've heard before, but it is so true in my case.  I need an outlet, a vision, but nothing seems quite good enough. 

I've never been big on taking pictures, but I have a rather large collection gathering Internet dust, sitting in the cloud, or on my hard drive.  I've been trying to figure out ways to dust them off, reuse, or re-purpose them.  I've downloaded countless free photo editing programs, trying different things out, still not knowing what I want to do with them.  I've decided to leave them alone, and use them here.  I know that I do not want them hidden away, locked behind the virtual prison of my computer. 

Wait! What's the Lesson?  For me, the lesson is to keep trying, and learn something new everyday, especially about myself, what I love, and even what I don't.  I must learn to accept the things I am good at, even if I don't enjoy them.  I know that sounds counter-intuitive, but it is what it is.  I'm not very good at a lot of things, and I'm equally good at a lot of other things, all of which I have varying degrees of like and dis-like for. Still confused? I am, too, but probably for different reasons.  This is why I want to learn as much as I I can untie this proverbial knot in my brain. 

So What About the Crows?  The crows, and this picture, really have nothing to do with me...other than its puzzling nature.  Once in a lifetime a great photo opportunity comes around, and you must take the shot.  That photo was one such opportunity.  And, right now, I am in a unique situation that has given me a little bit of time and freedom to discover myself.  My 'once in a lifetime moment'.  Don't get me wrong, the situation is not a great one, it's simply happenstance.  I will soon be back to being the working mother, pseudo-house-wife, and college student with not a whole lot of time left in the day just for me and my musings.   In the mean time, I will continue to post my photos and write about the thoughts they provoke. Maybe in this short journey I will learn a new skill, something I love, and that I am also good at, finding a road to true fulfillment along the way. 


Little Me

Pain inside me, burning, like exploding fire, surrounding me, swallowing me up, can't breathe, can't move, can't see, eyes swimm...