Saturday, January 2, 2021

Covid-19: My Thoughts Right Now

Yes - I want to talk about Covid-19...

I know it's been a while since I've written, and I know this strays away from what this blog is about, but Covid-19 has been a focal point for all of us this past year. Maybe you have lost a loved one, or know someone who has, or maybe you lucked out you don't know anyone that caught this virus. Nevertheless, your life has changed because of it.

The Struggle is Real...

Every day we struggle with our loss of freedom. "Wear a mask!" They say. "Social Distance!" They say. "Don't visit your family (0r your friends)!" They say. "Close up Shop!" They say. "Test! Test! Test!" They say. Every day our lives are so dictated by Covid-19 that our masks might as well be on our key chains. When will it end?

But, ironically, it's not our freedoms I want to discuss, it's the tests.

And so...About those Tests...

Even people that don't have symptoms are testing. Some people test every month, or even every week. There is so much testing going on that it's no wonder that the US Covid-19 numbers are going up at a record rate when compared to other countries! 

But are they real? The test results I mean. Can they be believed? I have heard from too many friends, family, and my own personal care givers tell me of patients with erroneous test results. Recently, I had one colleague of mine that first tested positive (with no symptoms) and went and got retested and the results were negative. Which brings up another interesting question. Which results are "they" keeping? Are they negating the original "positive" result that was reported to the CDC? Probably not. And all these tests that have been many are repeat tests from the same person? I have yet to be tested, but due to all the repeat testers, it may look like I've been tested on someone's record. Who knows. And this brings me to another point I want to bring up that one of my own providers told me. One of her patients had a reported "positive" Covid-19 result on his record, but when she asked him about it he told her ""That's funny, I've never even been tested and I've never had symptoms."" Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

But it Doesn't Stop There...

Do you really know how reliable these tests are? Do you know how they are testing for Covid-19? They use what's called a PCR test. From Emedicinehealth, PCR testing is: 

PCR (polymerase chain reaction): PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is a technique in molecular genetics that permits the analysis of any short sequence of DNA (or RNA) even in samples containing only minute quantities of DNA or RNA. PCR is used to reproduce (amplify) selected sections of DNA or RNA for analysis.

What this means for Covid-19?


What is a PCR test?

A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test is performed to detect genetic material from a specific organism, such as a virus. The test detects the presence of a virus if you are infected at the time of the test. The test could also detect fragments of virus even after you are no longer infected.

What is a COVID-19 PCR test?

A PCR test for COVID-19 is a test used to diagnosis people who are currently infected with SARS-CoV-2, which is the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. The PCR test is the “gold standard” test for diagnosing COVID-19 because it’s the most accurate and reliable test. 

But is it Reliable?

Sure, it's reliable...when testing for viruses. But not necessarily for detecting specific viruses. See this next article here. No, you don't need to read the whole thing, just the part where the inventor of the PCR test talks about the PCR tests in a practical application for viral testing. If you need help finding it, it's the only paragraph that starts with his name: Kary Mullis.


Direct from the article: 

With regard to the viral load tests, which attempt to use PCR for counting viruses, Mullis has stated: "Quantitative PCR is an oxymoron." PCR is intended to identify substances qualitatively, but by its very nature is unsuited for estimating numbers. Although there is a common misimpression that the viral load tests actually count the number of viruses in the blood, these tests cannot detect free, infectious viruses at all; they can only detect proteins that are believed, in some cases wrongly, to be unique to HIV. The tests can detect genetic sequences of viruses, but not viruses themselves. 

Yes, this article is in the context of HIV and AIDS, but the rules can still be applied to COVID-19. But if you don't understand, I'll explain. What the definition above doesn't explain is that the PCR test uses amplification to detect the DNA presence of a virus. The amplification, more specifically, at what magnitude, is what makes a HUGE difference in whether or not you test positive or negative.  And, truly, due to the amplification process, PCR testing will inevitably pick up something, but is non-specific because the chosen genetic sequence that is being tested is too small.

But let me bring you to my final article that led me down this rabbit hole. I actually found this sitting neatly at the top of my search results so I didn't have to go far to find it. This article was written by Ron Paul of Aletho News.  Mr. Ron Paul does a better job of explaining the amplification process of the PCR tests. There is also a nice little video at the bottom denouncing Dr. Fauci in his "infinite wisdom". Conveniently, (or, rather, inconveniently for us), Kary Mullis met an untimely end right before Covid-19 came to be.

If you read through everything, (and I certainly hope you did), then you should be asking yourself why, then, are "they" using PCR testing as a "gold standard" test for COVID-19? Your guess is as good as mine. Probably because there isn't a better one, or a faster one. The key here being faster. They want us to test all the time. The faster we can test, the faster they can get our results and get them reported to the CDC and WHO and main stream media, and the more control they can have over us by making us fear this damned virus. 

What now?

Stop testing. At least don't get tested unless you truly have the original  Covid-19 symptoms. I'm talking about the dry cough, fever, loss of taste/smell... not the runny nose, diarrhea, congestion, rash, sneezing, or the other symptoms that have been added since. Also, second guess your test. If you do have all those other symptoms that can also be attributed to flu or something else, get tested for the FLU, not Covid-19. I don't care if you did get a flu vaccine. Everyone is so hyper-aware of Covid-19 and forgetting that we're in the middle of Flu season, other than to get a flu shot. Still, no one is testing for the Flu. Why? Because the government is pushing your doctors and nurses to test only for Covid-19, even though symptomatically, they are very similar. And really, the original symptoms of Covid-19 looked more like pneumonia, so why aren't people testing for that, too? Instead, we get a blanket scare for Covid-19 - it must be Covid-19 - it can't possibly be anything else because the PCR test says so

Think again - that PCR test will pick up any virus, but it won't tell you which virus. And if those viruses are genetically similar, you could be erroneously testing positive for a virus you don't have, but in reality have something else instead.


Little Me

Pain inside me, burning, like exploding fire, surrounding me, swallowing me up, can't breathe, can't move, can't see, eyes swimm...